Working with the Editorial Team


Do you have a knack for perfectly phrased, target-group-oriented content? Never let a typo pass you by? Are search engines just as relevant as real readers when you’re writing? If so, you’re a perfect fit to be part of the online editorial team at Kaufland e-commerce! Here’s an introduction to the different areas we cover, plus a few of your newest colleagues.

The goals we pursue as a team


Our editorial team always puts the reader first – no matter whether it’s a seller, a customer, or a supplier. We advise potential customers across product categories, but we also pass on information to sellers when something changes on the online marketplace and craft engaging copy for our social media channels.

The international online marketplaces are constantly expanding, which means lots of this copy needs to be made available in English, Slovak, Czech and Chinese. To ensure that every team at Kaufland e-commerce has the coverage it needs, the online editorial team is divided into several smaller teams: We have separate teams for long copy, short copy, and translation. And each of these areas has its own main focus:

The long copy team works closely with our SEO team to create informative, unique, and flawless content that appeals to readers as much as it does to search engines. This guarantees the best possible shopping experience for potential customers. Along with creating guides and answering concrete user questions, our content is enriched with info-packed graphics and symbols, then transferred internally to our CMS. We also proofread each other’s copy, write internal newsletters, and keep our sellers up-to-date with their own newsletters.

The short copy team’s task is to improve the user experience (UX) of people who want to use our online marketplace to buy or sell items. They provide an overview and make our website easier to navigate. They knock down language barriers and explain functions in a way that everyone can understand. Our team is always ready to offer its expertise, meaning we can avoid problems before they even come up. The team’s territory spans from the user interface straight through to forms, error messages and e-mails. Short copy is the helpful voice that guides you through without getting in your way and makes you want to stick around.

To ensure that our high quality standards are achieved worldwide, the translation team makes both long and short copy available in the languages our online marketplace needs. The translators work closely with all of the teams involved in our internationalisation process. This keeps our information channels efficient, all the while perfecting the functionalities of our online marketplace. With their cultural experience and ear for wording, our translators give our international customers the same perfect user experience in every language.

Always in close contact with your team


The entire team places great importance on having a constant flow of information. It’s crucial not only because most of the team is working remotely, but also because many of the team’s scopes of responsibility intersect. The team holds several regular meetings using Microsoft Teams.

  • Weekly jour fixes: A chance to discuss your current projects or issues with your team lead
  • Weeklies: Weekly meeting with the entire editorial team
  • OKR update: OKRs are goals that are set on a four-month basis; many of our team’s goals are shared with other teams
  • Workshops: The team regularly chats about how work is going, wishes or suggestions

Apart from the meetings above, the editorial team is constantly chatting over Slack, whether with one another or with other teams, such as the rest of the marketing teams, IT, or HR. We use Confluence as a source of knowledge, especially if you’re just starting out or need to refresh your memory. Other tools like Jira boards help keep the to-do lists uncluttered.

What sets your future team apart


Work shouldn’t just be about efficiency and impact. It should be fun, too. And we guarantee that will be taken care of – not just by the different areas of work you do, but by your new colleagues as well. Read through what our team has to say about their work in editorial:

Here’s Lars, Senior Online Editor:

What makes us and our work so special? There’s no question about it. It’s us! We’re a well-coordinated team and we get along really well – and not just at work. We like to do things together outside of the work day, too. Lots of friendships have grown within the team (and within the company). But the work itself, and our daily to-dos, are also interesting. In long copy, we aren’t just writers. We’re also content managers, proofreaders, and more – all at the same time. We also use a wide range of formats and copy styles, as well as working closely with other divisions and teams. We never get bored.


A few words from Jana, Translator:

Our translation team consists of creative and qualified people who support each other and work with passion and professionalism to overcome language barriers and deliver first-class translations. The collaboration and diversity of language and cultural skills in our team enables us to handle versatile tasks. At the same time, we benefit from modern translation tools and technologies that optimize our workflow and increase efficiency. In addition, our work environment offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and learning new skills.

or take it from Franziska, UX Writer:

The UX copywriting team is a group of creative minds who all share a love of language and people. With a mix of fun, knowledge, and curiosity, every day at work is fresh proof that all of us have chosen the right job.

Current vacancies in the Editorial Team


Have we sparked your interest? Apply today and become part of this special team.