Balancing Career and Family at Kaufland e-commerce

Children bring huge amounts of joy, along with quite a few new challenges. To make our employees’ lives easier during this challenge-packed time, here at Kaufland e-commerce we do everything we can to simplify the transition our parents-to-be make into parental leave, and likewise, to welcome them back to the company when they return.

Pre- and postnatal leave and parental leave at Kaufland e-commerce

If you want to have a career as well as a family, you’re in the best hands at Kaufland e-commerce. As an employer, we deeply value every employee’s well-being and personal fulfilment. When it comes to family planning, it’s a given for us to follow all of the legal requirements for parental well-being and leave, both before and after birth; on top of that, we strive to make the process as smooth as possible for employees in every position. Here is the general framework:

  • Pre- and postnatal leave applies six weeks before and eight weeks after the baby’s estimated due date
  • As set out by German law, mothers can apply for parental leave at their own discretion for the time period after the birth, and can adjust the length of their leave at any time within the legal requirements
  • Fathers can apply for leave for the time around the estimated due date, and for parental leave later, however they decide is best

What is important for us is that parents can take time flexibly, in a way that meets their needs, while feeling they are fully supported, no matter which career level they are currently at.


Even though my mindset was just reinforcing the common clichés, I was still a little unsure myself about how much parental leave I should ‘spoil myself with’ as a father. Thanks to the support and the joy I was met with, my doubts were all quickly put to rest. I was able to enjoy the time with my family with no constraints. I am very grateful to be working for a company that supports parental leave without the slightest hint of making anyone feel guilty about it.

(Martin, Team Lead Customer Relationship Management)

Preparing and planning for parental leave

To ensure that a parent’s time off happens smoothly, thorough planning is the name of the game. It all starts when, at a specifically chosen time, our employee informs us of their upcoming parenthood and the time off that comes with it. Following that, the employee meets with their HR contact person and manager to lay out the next steps and clarify all the important details.

When I planned my parental leave, nothing was missing – my HR contact person made all the information available for me and answered all my questions. In general, I was able to flexibly and independently plan the length of my parental leave, the date I would return to work, etc.

(Nina, Team Lead Retail Media)


The planning phase also includes making sure that no work will be left uncompleted, so that the employee can focus completely on their own family.


 My parental leave was received positively. I was supported in making sure my tasks would be taken care of while I was gone.

(Fabio, Team Lead Online Accounting & Claim Management)

During parental leave

After everything has been fully prepared, the colleague bids farewell for the amount of leave they’ve decided on. But during parental leave, they’re not at all shut out from their working life: If they want to, colleagues on parental leave are welcome to attend team and company-wide events, and their colleagues are always happy to hear updates. That’s exactly what happened during Nina’s two years of parental leave:

Even though two years is quite a long time, I didn’t at all have the feeling that I was in a totally different world. I kept in contact with my colleagues, for example over lunch dates. And there were other ways that helped me feel like a part of the company over the course of the two years away. Not least of all because I was still included when they sent out Christmas presents or other surprises, which I absolutely hadn’t expected. It was honestly a little highlight every time a surprise KEC goody bag arrived. (Nina, Team Lead Retail Media)

Looking for a job?
Perfect, we are always looking for new talents as an addition to our team!
Our job offers
Welcome :)

Returning to the company

We are overjoyed for our employees’ domestic happiness and extend a warm welcome to their familiar faces after their parental leave ends. We prioritise that our employees can find their footing quickly and easily once they return, and support them as comprehensively as possible.

Getting back into the swing of things went off without a hitch. After a few hours I already felt like I’d never been away.

(Miriam, Online Editorial Team)


To make this happen, we start taking time a few weeks before the employee’s return to talk about their upcoming return to the company, such as how their working hours will be arranged. On their first days back, the employee gets to know any colleagues who have joined while they were away and is given time to get back into the working mindset and get used to any new procedures. They are welcome to participate in our Welcome Day for new hires, and HR, management, and their colleagues are always there with an open ear.

Even outside their parental leave, we place an emphasis on our employees being able to reconcile their careers and their families as well as possible. Some of the ways we make this happen are by offering flexible working times and the option of working remotely.